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1. | Albena PISKOVA | born 1966, Attorney-at-Law |
2. | Alexander KATZARSKY | born 1964, Attorney-at-Law, Senior Assistant Professor in Civil and Commercial Law, Law Faculty Sofia University "St. Climent Ohridski". Vice President of the AC at the BCCI |
3. | Anastas PUNEV | born 1988, Attorney-at-Law |
4. | Angel KALAIDJIEV | born 1958, Professor, Law Faculty, Sofia University "St. Climent Ohridski", Doctor of Juridical Science |
5. | Andrey DELCHEV | born 1960. Lawyer, Managing partner in "A. Delchev and Partners" Legal Office |
6. | Aneta ANTONOVA | born 1966. PhD in Law. Associate Professor in Civil and Family Law. Law Faculty Sofia University "St. Climent Ohridski" |
7. | Anna STANEVA | born 1957, PhD, Associate Professor in Civil and Commersial Law. Law Faculty, Sofia University "St. Climent Ohriski" |
8. | Anna ILIYKOVA-CHALEVA | born 1953. Attorney-at-Law |
9. | Borislav GANCHEV | born 1984. Attorney-at-Law, PhD in Law, Senior Assistant at Civil Procedure in the Law Faculty Sofia University "St. Climent Ohridski" |
10. | Valentina ZARTOVA | born 1953. Attorney-at-Law |
11. | Vania ALEXIEVA | born 1956. Jurist |
12. | Ventsislav PETROV | born 1985. PhD in Law. Associate Professor in Civil Law. Law Faculty Sofia University "St. Climent Ohridski" |
13. | Ventsislava ZHELYAZKOVA | born 1953. PhD in Law. Associate Professor in International Private Law. Attorney-at-Law |
14. | Vesela STANCHEVA | born 1962. Attorney-at-Law |
15. | Veselin NENOV | born 1962. Attorney-at-Law. |
16. | Vladimir PENKOV | born 1952. Attorney-at-Law. Chairman & Senior Partner at "Penkov, Markov&Partners" Legal Office |
17. | Georgi ATANASSOV | born 1955. Attorney-at-Law |
18. | Georgi SPASOV | born 1962, Attorney-at-Law |
19. | Dimitar STOIMENOV | born 1979, Attorney-at-Law |
20. | Dobromir GROZEV | born 1959. Attorney-at-Law |
21. | Evgeniy STAYKOV | born 1960, Jurist, Former Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of Cassation |
22. | Emanuela BALEVSKA | born 1957. Jurist |
23. | Ivaylo DERMENDJIEV | born 1962. Attorney-at-Law. PhD in Law, Vice President of the AC at the BCCI. Member of the London Arbitration Court. Member of the International Arbitration Court of Sport, Switzerland, Lausanne. President of the Supreme Bar Council |
24. | Ivaylo KOSTOV | born 1978. Attorney-at-Law. PhD in Law. Senior Assistant at Civil Procedure in the Law Faculty at Sofia University "St. Climent Ohridski" |
25. | Krasimir MITEV | born 1971. Senior Assistant Professor in the Law Faculty at PU "Paisii Hilendarsky" |
26. | Lazar TOMOV | born 1958. Attorney-at-Law. L.L.M. - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium |
27. | Lachezar LAZAROV | born 1977. Attorney-at-Law |
28. | Maria YORDANOVA | born 1957. PhD, Attorney-at-Law |
29. | Maria TODOROVA | born 1964. Attorney-at-Law |
30. | Maria KIOSEVA | born 1966. PhD in Law. Associate Professor in Law Faculty PU "Paisii Hilendarsky" |
31. | Milena TABAKOBA | born 1957. Attorney-at-Law |
32. | Miroslav DIMITROV | born 1962. Attorney-at-Law. PhD in Law. Associate Professor in the Law Faculty at UNWE - Sofia |
33. | Oleg TEMNIKOV | born 1986. Attorney-at-Law |
34. | Polya GOLEVA | born 1954. PhD, Professor in Civil and Commercial Law. Lecturer in PU "Paisii Hilendarsky". Attorney-at-Law |
35. | Rumiana KARLOVA | born 1966. Legal Adviser in "Trivia Legal Advice" Ltd. |
36. | Silvia SPASOVA | born 1977. PhD in Law. Senior Assistant Professor in the Law Faculty at the Sofia University "St. Climent Ohridski". Attorney-at-Law - "Kinkin & Partners" Legal Offece |
37. | Stanimir TSOTSOV | born 1954. Manager of the Counsultant House "Legafin" Ltd. |
38. | Stoyan STALEV | born 1952. Research associate in the Institute on Legal Sciences of the Bulgarian Academy |
39. | Tania BOUZEVA | born 1964. Associate Professor in Civil and Family Law in the Law Faculty at the Sofia University "St. Climent Ohridski". Attorney-at-Law |
40. | Christo ANTOV | born 1955. Attorney-at-Law |
41. | Tsvetan SIMEONOV | born 1955. Jurist. President of the BCCI |
42. | Tchetin KAZAK | born 1972, Attorney-at-Law |