Enter the price of the claim in BGN:

Calculated Arbitration Fee (BGN): Please enter the price of the claim
Calculated arbitration fee in EUR:
at course 1 EUR = 1.95583 BGN
Plants Price (BGN) Arbitration Fee (BGN)
to 1 000 600
from 1 001 to 10 000 600 + 4% for the amount over 1 000
from 10 001 to 100 000 960 + 3.8% for the amount over 10 000
from 100 001 to 500 000 4380 + 3.2% for the amount over 100 000
from 500 001 to 1 000 000 17 180 + 2% for the amount over 500 000
over 1 000 001 27 180 + 1% for the amount over 1 000 000